The most recent ordinances are shown first.
Ordinance 12-21-2020 (Business License)
Rainsville alcohol ordinance (1)
Ordinance No. 05-15-2017 (dangerous animals)
New regulations concerning the owning and keeping of dangerous animals
Ordinance No. 05-15-2017 (zoning)
Amending the zoning ordinance, No. 05-15-83, in order to rezone a certain parcel of land
Ordinance No. 03-20-2017
Repealing/amending Ordinance No. 09-20-2010(A). An ordinance repealing and amending the specifications for roads required for acceptance and maintenance by the City of Rainsville – establishes minimum standards for city streets and roads
Ordinance No. 12-05-2016
Amending the policy dealing with employees driving city vehicles to their residences
Ordinance No. 11-14-2016
Amending organizational Ordinance 04-21-2014 to change the time for city council meetings to 5:00 p.m.
Ordinance No. 10-17-16-B
An ordinance changing some acreage from agricultural to residential
Ordinance No. 10-17-16-A
An ordinance changing the zoning of a parcel of land from agricultural to commercial
Ordinance No. 08-01-16
An ordinance changing the speed limit at the Chavies Bridge to 35 mph
Ordinance No. 02-16-16
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2-17-11 dealing with Municipal Sales and Use Tax
Ordinance No. 06-01-15
An ordinance changing the zoning of a parcel of land from residential to commercial
Ordinance No. 02-02-15
An ordinance establishing a tree board along with guidelines for it
Ordinance No. 12-15-2014
An ordinance granting Southern Light, LLC the right to construct a fiber-opt transmission line.
Ordinance No. 11-03-2014
An ordinance making permanent in the city the Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday.
Ordinance No. 10-6-2014
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 04-07-14 (5) regarding the Rainsville Police Chief serving as the Safety Coordinator for the City.
Ordinance No. 05-19-2014
An ordinance dealing with the leasing of the property located next to the sewer treatment plant to the highest bidder during the removal of unneeded property.
Ordinance No. 04-21-2014 (Amended on Ordinance No. 11-14-2016 above)
An ordinance defining the order of procedure and order of business for council meetings.
Ordinance No. 04-07-2014 (B)
An ordinance amending the employee handbook in regard to vacation and overtime for emergency personnel.
Ordinance No. 04-07-2014 (5)
An ordinance defining the job description for the Rainsville Police Chief.
Ordinance No. 04-07-2014 (4)
An ordinance defining the job description for the Rainsville Fire Chief.
Ordinance No. 04-07-2014 (2)
An ordinance defining the job description for the Rainsville City Treasurer.
Ordinance No. 04-07-2014 (1)
An ordinance defining the job description for the Rainsville City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 01-20-2014
An ordinance amending the employee handbook by defining a 40-hour work week and an 8-hour shift.
Ordinance No. 01-6-2014
An ordinance concerning the City employee handbook which defines personnel rules and regulations and job descriptions.
Ordinance No. 06-03-13
An ordinance declaring real estate of the city to be unneeded for public use and authorizing the donation to the Rainsville Industrial Development Board.
Ordinance No. 5-23-13-A (amendment to Section 1 made on May 19, 2014)
An amendment to Section 1 of 5-23-13-A, “Responsible Pet Ownership Ordinance.”
Ordinance No. 5-23-13-A
The “Responsible Pet Ownership Ordinance” establishes rules for pet owners, animal impoundment, and business licenses for animal establishments such as pet shops and kennels. See also amendment above.
Ordinance No. 5-23-13
The “Nuisance Abatement Ordinance” is intended to prevent public health hazards, public nuisances and eyesores such as abandoned vehicles, accumulated debris, unsafe structures, unsightly grass and weed overgrowth, etc.
Ordinance No. 1-21-13
An ordinance exempting certain “covered items” from municipal sales tax during the Alabama Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday on February 22-24, 2013.
Ordinance No. 11-19-12
An ordinance amending the business license code, Ordinance No. 10-15-07 entitled Business License Code of the City of Rainsville, Alabama; amending the license issue fee of Section 3(c)
Ordinance No. 10-22-12
An ordinance amending the zoning Ordinance No. 8-15-83, as amended entitled Zoning Ordinance of Rainsville, Alabama, and the zoning map changing the use zone and district designation of certain parcels
Ordinance No. 9-17-12
REPEALED on January 7, 2013. An ordinance making the violation of a state handgun and firearm law a violation of a municipal ordinance; to protect the public health by enforcing Alabama statute §13A-11-59 regarding conduct at city council meetings
Ordinance No. 9-4-12
An ordinance amending the zoning Ordinance No. 8-15-83, entitled Zoning Ordinance of Rainsville, Alabama, as previously amended to add elementary schools and high schools as a special exception inB-3 district
Ordinance No. 8-6-12
Assent of council to the petition by landowners at 2559 Rainbow Avenue North for annexation of lands by unanimous consent; City of Rainsville, DeKalb County, Alabama
Ordinance No. 7-2-12(A)
Municipal Court Assessments
Ordinance No. 6-4-12
RESCINDED on August 6, 2012; REPLACED by Ordinance No. 5-23-13-A. An ordinance regulating dangerous and noisy animals and providing punishment for violation
Ordinance No. 5-21-12
An ordinance amending the business license code
Ordinance No. 5-7-12
An Ordinance of the City of Rainsville, AL, to Exempt Certain “Covered Items” from the Municipal Sales and Use Tax During Certain Periods, AS Authorized by Act 2012-256, Generally Referred to as the State Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday Legislation
Ordinance No. 1-3-12
An Ordinance Granting a Franchise for the Operation of a Gas System
Ordinance No. 10-03-11
Assent of Council to the Petition by Landowners in Rainbow Avenue-Mockingbird Lane Corner for Annexation of Lands by Unanimous Consent
Ordinance No. 9-19-11
Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Ordinance No. 6-6-11(C)
Amending Ordinance Number 5-24-11 Authorizing City of Rainsville and Its Designees to Enter Private Property for the Purpose of Removal of Storm Debris That Poses a Public Health Nuisance or Danger to Public Health and Safety
Ordinance No. 6-6-11(B)
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance Number 8-15-83, As Amended, Entitled Zoning Ordinance of Rainsville, Al, and the Zoning Map Designating the Use Zone and District Designation of a Certain Parcel
Ordinance No. 6-6-11(A)
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance Number 8-15-83 Entitled Zoning Ordinance Rainsville, AL, adding Emergency Temporary Single-Family Mobile Home as Permitted Use in Residential Districts
Ordinance No. 5-24-11
Authorizing City of Rainsville and Its Designees to Enter Private Property for the Purpose of Removal of Storm Debris That Poses a Public Health Nuisance or Danger to Public Health and Safety
Ordinance No. 5-16-11
An Ordinance Directing the Sale of the Surplus Building to be Removed and Relocated from the City’s Real Property at 107 West Main Street
Ordinance No. 4-4-11
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2-17-11 Municipal Sales and Use Tax to Make Effective Date of Tax and Ordinance May 1, 2011
Ordinance No. 3-7-11
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance Numer 8-15-83, as Amended, Entitled Zoning Ordinance of Rainsville, AL, and the Zoning Map Designating the Use Zone and District Designation of Certain Annexed Parcels
Ordinance No. 2-17-11
Amended by 2-16-16 above. An Ordinance to Levy and Define a Municipal Sales and Use Tax Upon Retail Sales and /or Use of Certain Items and Services Sold or Used Within the Rainsville Corporate Limits and Police Jurisdiction
Ordinance No. 1-17-11
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance Number 8-15-83, As Amended, Entitled Zoning Ordinance of Rainsville, AL, and the Zoning Map Changing the Use Zone and District Designation of a Certain Parcel
Ordinance No. 1-3-11A
An Ordinance Declaring the Simpson Building Surplus and Directing the Sale of Such City Property to be Removed and Relocated from the City’s Real Property at 107 West Main Street
Ordinance No. 12-6-10
An Amendment to Business License Code, Ordinance Number 10-15-07 Entitled Business License Code of the City of Rainsville, AL, As Previously Amended
Ordinance No. 10-4-10
An Ordinance Affirming and Consenting to Lease Agreement With the Public Building Authority of the City of Rainsville, Inc.
Ordinance No. 9-20-10A
REPLACED by ORDINANCE No. 03-20-2017. An Ordinance Repealing and Amending the Specifications for Roads Required for Acceptance and Maintenance By the City of Rainsville – Establishing Minimum Standards for City Streets and Roads
Ordinance No. 7-19-10
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance Number 8-15-83, Entitled Zoning Ordinance of Rainsville, AL, adding Mini-Warehouse Self-Storage Facilities as a Permitted Use in B-3 District
Ordinance No. 6-21-10B
Municipal Court Assessments
Ordinance No. 12-7-09
An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance no. 8-15-83
Ordinance No. 7-20-09
Municipal court costs
Ordinance No. 7-13-09
An ordinance amending the city’s zoning ordinance to regulate the erection and maintenance of signs
Ordinance No. 5-04-09
An ordinance extending the moratorium on billboards
Ordinance No. 1-5-09
An ordinance establishing a moratorium on billboards
Ordinance No. 4-7-08
Assent of council to a petition to annex 140 acres on the north side of the city
Ordinance No. 02-04-08-B
An ordinance numbering council places
Ordinance No. 02-04-08-A
An ordinance establishing procedures for the appointment of additional election officers for absentee ballots in municipalities under 10,000 populations
Ordinance No. 1-16-08
Amending the business license code as written on ordinances no. 10-15-07 and no. 1-10-08
Ordinance No. 1-10-08
Amending the business license code as written on ordinance no. 10-15-07
Ordinance No. 12-18-2006
An ordinance setting qualification fees for mayoral and city council candidates
Ordinance No. 3-20-06
Amends license ordinance no. 12-20-00
Ordinance No. 2-6-06
Amends the zoning ordinances no. 8-15-83 and 4-3-89; deals with moving a building to or through the city
Ordinance No. 10-17-05A
Amends ordinance no. 8-15-83 to rezone specific real estate
Ordinance No. 10-17-05
An ordinance amending the zoning ordinance 8-15-83; deals with building contractors, sub-contractors and construction projects
Ordinance No. 8-15-05
Concerns the sewage disposal system and use charges
Ordinance No. 12-6-04
An ordinance levying a lodging privilege tax
Ordinance No. 11-1-04
Declares the annexation of specific real estate on Collier Circle
Ordinance No. 01-20-03
Deals with changes to sewer system rates (sewage disposal system charges)
Ordinance No. 11-15-02
Amends the zoning ordinance no. 8-15-83 to regulate subdivision lots, business signs and billboards, and to annex specific real estate in Chavies area
Ordinance No. 2-11-02
Establishes a maratorium on billboards
Ordinance No. 1-21-02
Authorizes the sale of specific city-owned real estate (the old Dixie Youth Baseball Park on DeKalb Drive)
Ordinance No. 11-5-01
Authorizes the lease of the police station basement to establish the DeKalb Probate and Revenue Commissioner annex
Ordinance No. 10-16-01
Declares the annexation of specific real estate
Ordinance No. 4-03-01
Amends zoning ordinance no. 8-15-83 in regard to land zoned B-3 General Business District
Ordinance No. 3-19-01-B
Amends zoning ordinance no. 8-15-83 in regard to the planning commission, bed & breakfasts, assisted living facilities, cement manufacturing, and structure and land use regulations
Ordinance No. 3-19-01-A
Amends zoning ordinance no. 8-15-83 in regard to rezoning specific real estate
Ordinance No. 2-13A-01
Deals with sewer system rates (sewage disposal system charges). SUPERSEDED by Ordinance No. 01-20-03.
Ordinance No. 12-21-00
An ordinance providing updates to the business license fees schedule; AMENDED in part by ordinances No. 11-19-12, No. 5-21-12, No. 12-6-10, No. 1-16-08, No. 1-10-08, No. 10-15-07, and No. 3-20-06
Ordinance No. 7-17-00
Authorizes the sale of specific city-owned real estate to the Water Works Board of Section
Ordinance No. 3-13-00
An ordinance regarding the issuance of an $800,000 general obligation warrant (bond) to finance the purchase of two garbage trucks
Ordinance No. 2-21-2000A
Sets qualification fees for mayoral and city council candidates; > REPLACED by Ordinance No. 12-18-2006
Ordinance No. 2-21-2000
Establishes poll hours for municipal elections
Ordinance No. 12-6-99
Establishes speed limits and parking regulations for specific streets
Ordinance No. 2-1-99-B
Authorizes the sale of specific city-owned real estate to Delane Lewis
Ordinance No. 2-1-99-A
Requires stop signs and a four-way stop at the intersection of Parker Avenue and Browns Chapel Road
Ordinance No. 1-18-99
Establishes speed limits and parking regulations for specific streets
Ordinance No. 12-24-98
Establishes new compensation rates for the mayor and council members
Ordinance No. 1-19-98
Authorizes the lease of specific city-owned real estate at the fire station to an ambulance service provider
Ordinance No. 12-1-97-B
Levies new priviledge or license tax rates for all business activity
Ordinance No. 2-3-97
Declares failure to return property of the Rainsville Public Library to be a misdemeanor
Ordinance No. 1996-11-18
Amends license Ordinance No. 12-4-95 in regard to schedule for electric and gas companies
Ordinance No. 6-17-96
An ordinance regarding the issuance of a $1,400,000 general obligation warrant
Ordinance No. 6-3-96-D
Established municipal election poll hours for 1996
Ordinance No. 6-3-96-C
Sets qualification fees for mayoral and city council candidates, REPLACED by Ordinance No. 2-1-2000A
Ordinance No. 96-21-5
Requires permit to install or repair utilities under city streets
Ordinance No. 3-18-96
Numbered council placing for municipal elections and runoffs
Ordinance No. 10-3-95A
Provides a license tax on tobacco products
Ordinance No. 10-3-95
Amends sewage disposal system Ordinance No. 6-21-93; deals with sewer service charges
Ordinance No. 6-5-95
Establishes industrial wastewater cooling and screening requirements
Ordinance No. 12-4-94
Establishes industrial wastewater cooling and screening requirements; >REPLACED by ordinance no. 6-5-95
Ordinance No. 10-3-94
Amends zoning ordinance no. 8-15-83 to re-zone specific real estate
Ordinance No. 9-6-94
Adopts the state Supreme Court’s schedule of judicial fines
Ordinance No. 2-21-94
Authorizes the lease of specific city-owned real estate to the Rainsville Lions Club
Ordinance No. 6-21-93
Deals with sewer service charges; AMENDED by ordinance no. 10-3-95
Ordinance No. 11-23-92
An ordinance providing updates to the business license fees schedule; additional updates have been made — >refer to ordinances No. 11-19-12, No. 5-21-12, No. 12-6-10, No. 1-16-08, No. 1-10-08, No. 10-15-07, No. 3-20-06, and No. 12-21-00
Ordinance No. 10-30-92
Amends ordinance no. 10-19-92
Ordinance No. 10-19-92
An ordinance providing updates to the business license fees schedule; additional updates have been made — >refer to ordinances No. 11-19-12, No. 5-21-12, No. 12-6-10, No. 1-16-08, No. 1-10-08, No. 10-15-07, No. 3-20-06, No. 12-21-00 and 11-23-92
Ordinance No. 7-6-92
An ordinanance assenting to the annexation of property
Ordinance No. 3-16-92
Amends zoning ordinance no. 8-15-83 to allow special exceptions for mobile homes